Spring Thanks!
Spring Special Teleseminar Bundle
Thanks! Your support enables me to continue to speak for job search groups around the USA in the coming year.
This link will take you a form where you can choose which teleseminars to unlock:
If your order included a choice of multiple teleseminars, simply submit the form multiple times for each selection.
You do not have to make all of your selections now, you can select one, listen to it, and then decide which one makes the most sense for you to listen to next.
Here’s a list of all of the teleseminars you can choose from:
- Absolutely Qualified — Success for the Seasoned Search Teleseminar
- Absolutely Ready — Turbocharge Your Job Search in 2019
- Absolutely Invincible — Networking for Introverts, Extroverts, and In-Between-Verts
- Absolutely Uncommon Job Search Strategies
- Earn Your Worth — Absolutely Powerful Negotiation Strategies
- Interview Like a Rockstar
We hope that you find this content valuable!